If your ERP system is slow, unresponsive or frequently gets stuck we are here to help. Firstly, we are going to analyse why there are two types ofslow. Depending on which type of slow is affecting you, we offer different approaches to solve the problem. With the quick fixes we offer, you should have the needed tools to test it for yourself. Improvements should be noticeable immediately.

  1.  The types of “slow”

    1. 1 Slow 1 – Everything seems laggy

      1. .1.1 The symptoms of slow 1

Everything has a few seconds of delay. Logging in takes longer. There is a constant feeling of lagginess. Sometimes clicks do not seem to register at all. 

  • Long load times: Logging in takes much longer than you would expect.

  • Delayed reaction times: Every interaction, whether clicking or changing a setting, seems to only register after a consistent delay time.

  • Non-responses: Sometimes actions seem to not be registered at all.

An employee is visibily frustated as his erp system is showing signs of slow 1.

1.1.2 Diagnosis of slow 1

General overload of the hardware or network. Possible misconfiguration, or overload because of legacy data.

  • Outdated system configuration: Best practices for servers and databases are constantly changing. In combination with accumulating data, this can cause significant slowing of your systems.

  • Overburdened hardware resources: A continuous increase in data and processes can push the hardware beyond its limits, affecting the performance of the ERP system.

  • Scaling issues due to business growth: The existing hardware may no longer be able to keep up with the increased scope of ERP requirements, leading to a general overload.

1.1.3 Antidote to slow 1

To improve the performance of your ERP system, it is recommended to identify and implement the latest ‘best practice’ infrastructure settings. This includes reviewing and adjusting Windows Server configurations and global database system settings. Furthermore, a hardware upgrade could be considered to achieve more efficient system performance. For detailed instructions on how to get help for your slow ERP system, we refer you to the “First Aid for Everyone” section in the second part of the blog.

1.2 Slow 2 – A single function/action takes very long (>eg. more then 20min)

1.2.1 The symptoms and the effects of slow 2

In the “Slow 2” category, users of the ERP system experience significant delays in various processes, far exceeding the expected processing time. A classic case of: “You click and nothing happens, maybe an endless loading wheel”.

This is not only inefficient but can also negatively affect the mental readiness and attitude of employees towards the ERP system. When everyday tasks become a drag and a frustrating experience, it can lead to the system being perceived negatively overall. This affects individual productivity, overall workplace morale and the company’s efficiency. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and address these specific performance issues to ensure optimal system performance and a positive user experience. Examples of such actions include:

People waiting in a doctor's waiting room can be very demotivating. If the same long waits occur with an ERP system, it can have a similar effect.
  • Month-end closing: An excessively long process for month-end closing in the ERP system can delay important business decisions and impact efficiency.

  • Production line evaluation: Delayed analysis of production data in the ERP system can lead to bottlenecks in production and delayed adaptation to market changes.

  • Generating of new quotes: Slow generation of quotes in the ERP system affects customer response time and can reduce competitiveness.

1.2.2 Diagnoses of slow 2

What are the possible causes for these delays? In our experience, it is not the logic of the ERP system that is primarily responsible in most cases, but rather a suboptimal database query. But what specific errors could be behind this? Given the countless possibilities, a remote diagnosis is difficult. Here are some issues we frequently encounter:

  • Database query issues:: This indicates inefficiencies in query management that can lead to excessive wait times. Unnecessary data might be queried.

  • Suspected loops or multiple data retrievals: The system may unnecessarily repeat data queries, leading to delays. By effectively referencing already queried data, the process can avoid being slowed down by repeatedly requesting the same information.

  • Indexing issues (no or incorrect indexing): Without proper indexing, the system has to sift through all data until it finds the relevant entry. When data is indexed, it can be found much faster. Incorrect indexing can significantly slow down the search.

  • Errors in setting the date filter (incorrectly or too late): A common issue we see a lot. Initially, all data is retrieved regardless of the date, and then it is specified that only data from the last month is needed. By setting the filter early, retrieving irrelevant data can be effectively avoided.

1.2.3 Antidote for slow 2

The examples listed in the diagnosis provide insight into the variety of reasons for a slow ERP system. The solutions are as varied as the problems themselves. 

The key to finding the solution?
A detailed analysis of the system queries. Through such an in-depth investigation, problematic functions can be identified and subsequently optimized or reconfigured. There are numerous specialized tools from the manufacturers available for this purpose. However, it can be challenging for non-experts to apply these effectively.

A doctor checks a patient's checklist; similarly, an analysis of an ERP system follows a comparable approach.

2. First Aid for everyone

The image depicts a symbolic ambulance providing first aid for your slow ERP system.

2.1 Windows Server

2.1.1 Power Options

By default, Windows Servers have the ‘Balanced’ power option enabled, which is not recommended for server applications. An initial improvement can be achieved by switching this option to ‘High Performance’.

The image shows the settings in Windows where you can change the power option.

2.1.2 Analysis of Server Resources

  • Quick Analysis: For a fast and effective analysis of system performance, the reliable Windows Task Manager can be used. This helps to monitor CPU and RAM usage in real-time. Ensure that the idle capacities ideally do not exceed 30%. If these values are regularly exceeded, it is an indicator that increasing resources should be considered to ensure optimal system performance.

  • Long-term Analysis: For a more in-depth analysis of system performance, it is recommended to use specialized external tools. These applications provide extensive insights into the long-term usage and efficiency of system resources, far beyond the current usage view of the Task Manager. Such tools enable the recognition of trends and patterns in resource usage, which is particularly helpful in identifying potential bottlenecks and taking preventive measures. Examples of such tools include SolarWinds, Nagios or ManageEngine.

2.1.3 Further tips

  • Avoid antivirus programs on Windows Servers: Avoiding antivirus software on ERP servers is advisable for two reasons: First, antivirus programs consume a lot of resources, which can impair performance. Second, there is a risk of software conflicts that can cause operational disruptions. In such cases, alternative security measures are more effective.

  • Stay up to date: Regular updates of Windows servers running ERP systems are crucial for maintaining server performance. Keyword: Server maintenance.

2.2 In the database

2.2.1 Regular maintenance

Just like with a car, regular maintenance is essential for a database. Maintenance allows for early detection and resolution of increased resource demands or the accumulation of old data BEFORE they lead to noticeable performance degradation.
What does database maintenance include? Here are key aspects to consider during such maintenance:

  • Backup and Recovery: Regularly create backup copies of the database to prevent data loss. Extensively test the recovery processes to ensure data integrity.

  • Cleanup and Archiving: Remove outdated or redundant data to keep the database organized. Archive old data to manage the database size.

  • Updates and Patches: It is important to regularly install software updates and security patches on the database side to minimize security risks and keep it up to date. Additionally, the compatibility of these updates with the ERP system should be checked. Many database providers address performance issues with their patches, contributing to ongoing improvements in system performance.

  • Documentation and Reporting: Maintain accurate records of maintenance activities performed. Generate regular reports on the condition and performance of the database.

2.2.2 When using an SQL database

For users of Microsoft SQL databases, it is worth noting that Microsoft offers a wealth of resources and assistance for optimizing these databases. In their article “Installation Considerations for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Dynamics NAV”, you will find many simple yet also highly complex aids to perfectly integrate your SQL database with your ERP system. These resources cover a wide range of topics—from installation guidelines to specific configuration recommendations—and are a valuable support for anyone looking to operate their SQL databases efficiently and securely. For more details and specific instructions, please refer to the Microsoft Learning Portal.

4. Asking questions is free with us.

If you prefer to rely on the expertise of professionals for your ERP system rather than tackling it yourself, get in touch with us. In a free initial consultation, we will listen to your concerns and issues. Together, we can determine whether comprehensive analyses are needed or if a few simple tweaks could resolve the issues. We look forward to hearing from you!