Microsoft 365 has become an integral part of modern working life – but what about security when we work in the cloud?
n this post, we dive deep into the mystery of cloud security, and take a close look at various security aspects of this widely used solution from can I ensure that my employees are best protected from malicious emails? How can I guarantee my customers, the authorities or my cyber insurance company that our systems meet the necessary standards? Is annual security awareness training still sufficient according to today’s understanding?

We will examine all these questions in detail and identify possible downsides.

1. Security Concerns in M365

1.1 Access Management

One of the most challenging aspects of Microsoft 365 security is access management.
The complexity of access and permissions settings can be both impressive and overwhelming. With the ability to assign access rights to everything from individual documents to entire parts of the infrastructure, Microsoft 365 offers enormous versatility.
But this versatility can become a challenge if not managed carefully and deliberately.

“Complexity is the enemy of security.”

For many security experts, this is the motto for creating a truly secure and maintainable concept.

With so many options, it’s easy to make careless mistakes that can have potentially serious consequences for the security of your data.
An accidental overestimation of access rights, an overlooked account authorization or an incorrectly configured sharing setting can result in sensitive information being sent to the wrong people or even being made publicly available.
The effective management of access in Microsoft 365 therefore requires a high level of attention and understanding.
It is important to know exactly who has access to which resources and for what reason.
In addition, you should always be aware of current best practices in the area of access management and apply them.
In the complex world of cloud computing, a small oversight can become a big problem.

The complexity of Microsoft 365 can allow attackers to exploit gaps in security

1.2 Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks

When phsihing, the attacker casts the symbolic fishing rod and sees who bites

Another security aspect that is of great importance when using Microsoft 365 is phishing and social engineering attacks.
These types of cyberattacks aim to trick users into revealing login credentials or executing malicious code by using trust and deception.
Microsoft 365 users are often the target of such attacks as they often have valuable data and access rights.
By constantly logging in and out of different services, users are at risk of falling for fake login pages out of carelessness and being tricked into revealing their credentials.
To make matters worse, phishing attacks and social engineering techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
Cybercriminals are using sophisticated tactics such as mimicking legitimate notifications from Microsoft or exploiting current events and human emotions to trap their victims.
Phishing and social engineering are just 2 of the countless methods hackers use.
You can find out more here: Attack techniques uncovered: This is how hackers work!

2. Get Help!

2.1 Help From Consultants

With our many years of experience and expertise, we can identify security deficits and potential challenges and suggest a solution for you.
By taking an external view of things, the first improvements can usually be made with just a few simple steps.
However, as is so often the case in life, it is not always possible to avoid certain wisdom.
In this context, the following quote is apt:

Tell meand I’ll forget. Show meand I will remember it. Let me do itand I will understand.

Training can keep employees and admins up to date

In fact, we must acknowledge our limitations and seek the assistance of market-leading experts in optimizing security in the Microsoft 365 environment.
Their tools and constantly refining approach allow you to not just mimic cloud security occasionally, but to take it into your own hands on a daily basis . We would be happy to show you how to get the most out of such a solution to give you and your employees the secure workplace they deserve in the future.
Sounds almost too good to be true?
Read on to find out how it works.

2.2 The Software Solution for Your Microsoft 365 Security

We work closely with a German company that shines with their “all inclusive” package.
All aspects of their software are designed to make it as easy to use and therefore as effective as possible.

The complexity of Microsoft 365’s security mechanisms can be significantly reduced by using third-party software.
An intuitive control panel allows precise security and access policies to be defined, enabling a customized but seamless security concept.
The clear design of the system makes it much easier for system administrators to manage access rights.
They can grant and, if necessary, revoke access rights as required, ensuring an optimum level of security and control.

German language spam filtering falls by the wayside for many major providers, despite the clear trend that spam attacks are becoming increasingly individualized and multilingual protection is required.
Thanks to the integration directly in the M365 Suite, our partner and we offer a top solution: an impressive spam detection rate of 99.99% not only in German, but also in English and other languages.
The advantages of optimized spam protection:

  • Effectively protects against malware and phishing
  • Promotes IT security
  • Saves valuable employee working time
  • Optimizes bandwidth usage

Rely on industry-leading email security and ensure optimized protection against unwanted content.

In our ever-changing digital landscape, security awareness training is essential.
With our engaging short videos, we offer monthly training for your employees.
This engaging content not only encourages participation, but also sharpens individual vigilance.
But theory alone is not enough.
We use automated e-mail tests to put what has been learned directly into practice.
This mix of continuous theoretical and practical training maximizes awareness and equips your employees optimally against suspicious activities and threats.
Invest in leading security awareness training and strengthen your company’s security culture.

Every company has individual requirements and challenges, especially when it comes to security in Microsoft 365.
We understand that.
Let us discuss your personal situation in a free initial consultation.
Together, we will then find a suitable solution and present you with effective measures to make Microsoft 365 more secure for you and your employees.